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View Full Version : Inverter/charger never goes to full charge

08-13-2020, 07:32 PM
I have two Magnum 4024 MSH-RE inverter/chargers. The one inverter/charger never gets to a float charge. It will hover around 26.9 to 27.1 volts with an AMP draw jumping between 0 - 2 amps. The other inverter/charger gets to 27.1 volts then goes to Full Charge mode.
I have disconnected all AC voltage draws (turned off breakers) and all DC voltage draws (turned off breakers) that I can find and still have the same results.
Both inverters/chargers are set up exactly the same but produce different results. I have AGM battery's and know it is not good to constantly charge them.


08-14-2020, 01:26 PM
Seems pretty normal.

08-15-2020, 08:02 AM

With all power draws off shouldn't the inverts/chargers reach a full charge state? I am under the impression that a never ending float charge will shorten the life of AGM batteries.

08-15-2020, 08:13 AM

You can easily force the 4024 out of bulk/absorption by adjusting the absorption timer to zero. I’ll let the experts here tell you how to do it. At least you can then be in float until you sort out the problem.

08-15-2020, 08:32 AM
If the Magnums are set the same, one should stay in float and one will go into standby unless you have a fair amount of DC loads. Turn off the charger function on the one in float and see if the other doesn't go into float. Although it seems few, even at Magnum now this, but you really need the Magnum router.