I have 109 volts on my refrigerator circuit when plugged in to 50-amp plug. When unplugged I have 120 volts on that circuit. I'm told there is a pass...
Found the problem. I had a bad 30 amp breaker that was sending 109 Volts to one of the inverters. I traced power from the 50 amp plug thru the cable...
Not a direct comparison but...
I have experienced low voltage on one leg and not the other and found the common power wire (white color in household...
I checked both invertors when unplugged from 50 amp, had 120 volts on both of them. I didn't check them when plugged in. Will check a few more things...
Voltage at the 50 amp plug was 120 and 240. The fridge was 50 degrees. checked voltage at fridge plug inside the coach was 109 volts. When plugged in...